An Update on Uganda
Dear Sponsors, Donors, and Friends of REACH,
Several people have asked me about the situation in Uganda and how the REACH for Uganda is meeting the challenge of the Corona virus.
Uganda: Uganda has identified 74 Covid 19 cases with 45 discharged from the hospital. No deaths are reported (as of April 24, 2020). Uganda has a substantial body of recent experience in identifying, mitigating and treating epidemics, e.g., the HIV and the Ebola outbreaks. The government declared a nationwide shelter in place, which bans all travel, meetings of more than 5 people, and non-essential businesses. It has been extended to May 5. In addition, the borders are closed for any travel. Private vehicles are banned from traveling anywhere. Government vehicles will transport infected persons to hospitals that are prepared to assist patients.
Schools: All schools will remain closed until further notice. Our students and teachers are at home with their families. The government is planning to launch a self-study home package, by recorded and live radio and TV lessons from teachers broadcast two hours a day for six days a week for primary and secondary students. The goal is to improve literacy and numerical skills at lower levels, and problem-solving skills at higher levels. No exams will be conducted. However, not all our students will be able to take advantage of this, as families in rural villages do not have access to this technology. To manage this, our REACH teachers are doing advanced lesson planning for when our students return to school. REACH teachers are being paid through this time. At this time, it is expected that term breaks will be shortened so that students can catch up on their school lessons.
Clinics: Our two clinics are operating normally and are following government social distancing requirements. Our clinics are not handling COVID19 patients as they are admitted to government hospitals. The patient load has slightly decreased since the shelter in place began.
Administration: All staff are in place preparing for the students’ return. Our Head Teacher, Secondary School Coordinator, and University/Vocational School Coordinator are remaining in touch with the students so they are ready to return to school when they open.
Letters: Letters for your students are due by May 31.
If you have any questions about your student, please call the office (703) 879-6034 and talk with Myriam or Courtney.
Thank you for your continued concern and support and please stay safe,
Dick Burk
President, Board of Directors
Great work thanks