Our students in Uganda have been writing essays as they continue learning remotely. We are happy to share their work. Please note student work is presented in its original content.

My name is Pamela Khafu a pupil of Primary Seven. There are many things I have learnt during this COVID 19 Pandemic. They have taught me to always be thankful for the little things I get in life because not everyone gets them. 

In the three months I have been at home, I have witnessed inequality between men and women. I have seen what Teacher Christine of She is the first has been talking about gender inequality. I have seen how girls are over worked while boys are given light work to do. I have seen how mothers carry heavy loads on their heads and work hard in the gardens to provide food for the whole family as men wait to be served at their tables. I have seen how leaders promise to donate items to needy people but instead they give them to those who have everything leaving the needy and the helpless to suffer and die. I have seen how some children are missing lessons because they cannot afford to photocopy the work government is giving out. I have seen how other children enjoy lessons delivered on radios and television sets as others till land from dawn to dusk because they have neither radios nor television sets to use. I have seen people run to their homes because they don’t want curfew time to get them out and end up being beaten by security officers.

Above all, I have seen how much our founders, sponsors and donors love us. They have sent us money for our teachers to prepare work for us. They have supported the needy children with food. They have thought of us the girls by giving us more sanitary towels to keep clean in during feminine days. I have seen them pay our teachers to be at school to prepare work for us. I have seen them share our stories with the whole world to tell them that we are here in Bumwalukani. I have seen hope in the students of REACH for Uganda because our sponsors love us and give us everything.

Thank you our sponsors and our founders. We love you for being our friends during the COVID 19 pandemic!

Written by Pamela Joyce Khafu

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