Our students in Uganda have been writing essays as they continue learning remotely. We are happy to share their work. Please note student work is presented in its original content.
My name is Pamela Khafu Joyce. I live with my parents Mr. Khafu Davis and Mrs. Nelima Robinah in Bumasata village. I am in Primary Seven this year at Arlington Junior School. I am going to talk about how my school has made an impact on my life.
First, I have been able to get good education at AJS. Our teachers have taught us that with education you can be anything you want in this world. We have been taught to be confident and to know that what boys can do we the girls also can do. This is true at Arlington. Whereas some girls fear to compete in elections for leadership, I have found it easy to go through at all levels and I have been serving as a prefect in different posts. Last year I campaigned and I was elected as the health prefect. I love this post because I am able to speak on behalf of the girls health. Now that we are suffering with the corona virus, I am happy that I know how I can keep safe by washing my hands with soap and water. I know that I shouldn’t touch my eyes, mouth or nose because the virus can easily to to me. I have managed to sensitize my siblings about this dangerous virus and how to fight it. My teachers have taught me to be responsible and helpful to other people in my community. Though we are in a lockdown, it has not stopped me to help the elderly in the community to go to the market to buy them items and fetch water for them to wash their hands. I keep on explaining to them the importance of isolating themselves from the public because they are vulnerable people.
AJS has taught me to be a public speaker. I have been participating in debates at different levels. As I take on different roles it has helped me to improve on my vocabulary and spoken English. I have learnt to listen to other people’s opinion with respect and to have critical mind about different matters more especially those that affect the learning of young girls in our community.
AJS has helped me to love to read because of its well stocked library. I love reading story books and books about children’s rights and responsibilities so that I can direct my fellow pupils better. Last year I was the best reader in my class during the reading challenge.
Further still, we can talk about the school clinic. I personal am the Health Prefect of Arlington Junior School. I may not be sick but you can just go to ask consultation or to learn more about something.
Furthermore, the sports activities done at school have helped me to become physically fit and health. There is team work and talent developed during the sports activities.
As a girl, I am thankful to the She’s the first for making sure that girls stay at school and learn more about gender equality. I believe my country is going to be a better place to live in because we the girls are empowered and can transform our nation by working hard to achieve our goals in life.
In my conclusion, I want to thank my teachers for teaching and guiding us in different ways. I want also to thank our sponsors she is the First who pay for our fees and send us reusable pads. I am very proud of my parents who have always been there for me in all hard situations to make sure that I am at school. They could have chosen to send me into early marriage but they didn’t instead, they thought of taking me to school because they know that I will one day be an important person in future and be in position to help them and my country. Lastly, I want to thank our lovely founders of Arlington Junior School for their kind hearts.
Written by
Khafu Pamela Joyce
Primary Seven