How Bumwalye Has Been Supported By REACH

By: Wamanga Derrick, 5th Grade Student at Bumwalye Primary School


First, I would like to appreciate all the good things which REACH for Uganda has done to help me and my school. REACH used a good heart to bring us scholastic materials, for example pens, pencils, books, mathematical sets, and rulers. This has showed me that REACH for Uganda is merciful.

Another example is that REACH brought for us TOMS shoes. It is not good for a child to go to the toilet barefooted and it is good for a pupil to go to school in shoes.

I, Derrick of Bumwalye Primary School, am very happy because Arlington is helping us with funds for our lunch program. I am sure that there is no government school which is feeding the children apart from Bumwalye Primary School and some few outreach schools.

Arlington has also been facilitating us by organizing a debate tournament and this has helped me to become a perfect speaker.

Additionally, provision of lessons about computers, electronics, and mechanics have made me an expert in connecting machinery and using computers.

Derrick (left) at a computer lesson conducted by Fundi Bots

Derrick (left) learning computer skills

REACH has helped in setting examinations for Primary Seven that has led to improvement in performance. I am sure that the children of Bumwalye Primary School are going to pass in division one.

REACH also helped in the construction of classrooms and a kitchen which provide shade for studying and cooking.

Furthermore, REACH distributed sports uniforms for pupils and teachers at Bumwalye Primary School. Before, there were no games uniforms but now that REACH has provided some to us, we look nice when we are having sports competitions.

REACH for Uganda has also been organizing teacher workshops where teachers get new methods of teaching, causing the academic standards of the school to improve.

Basing on the above factors, REACH has created good friendship with Bumwalye Primary School pupils and teachers at large. So I strongly say “Long live REACH for Uganda!”

To read more about how we help local schools through our Outreach Program, click here.


  1. Cynthia Margeson on December 8, 2016 at 9:00 am

    Olivia- I am enjoying your occasion al posts about various activities going on with REACH and the surrounding villages. Keep up the great work!

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